Saturday 15 March 2014


28th-5th March
As i was in charge of titles i started creating them on photoshop. Using the notes we made from Leanne's lesson of what order the titles go in i started to create them. 

  • Production company
  • Cast
  • Title of film
  • Casting by
  • Music by
  • Costume designer
  • Production design
  • Director of photography
  • Co-producers
  • Co executive producer
  • Executive producer
  • Written by
  • Produced by
  • Directed by

I firstly jotted down the titles i was going to include in our title sequence on paper in the order of what i wanted them to be shown in. Then i went on photoshop and started to create the titles using a film and video template with the size of PAL D1/DV Widescreen. I had to use a film and video template so that  the titles can be put onto Final Cut Pro without a problem and also because i have to make sure that the titles fit in nicely with the whole title sequence.

After i had created a new page i started to type each title individually on the bottom left hand corner. The font style i chose and thought was suitable for all the titles was Cochin. For the main title 'Delayed' it was Riesling which i got from Dafont. To make sure that all my titles were at the same side with the same alignment i used the grid layout as a guide line as i didn't want all my titles to show at different places. I chose the font colour to be black as i thought it was the colour that would be the most legible when shown on the different shots with different coloured background.

Once i had finished creating my titles i had to get rid of the background paper and save it as a PNG. I had to get rid of the background paper before i saved it because when i put the titles on Final Cut Pro the background for the titles will be the shots. Saving it as a PNG allows me to upload my titles onto our title sequence.

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