Saturday 15 March 2014

Film Pitch

In Sinead's media lesson all the coursework groups in our media class went through there pitch presentation on there films.The pitch we created consists of the plot for our film, examples of films that follow a similar genre and rough research of the films. From the research we gained a rough idea of what the budget will be for our film, the estimation of box office and the actors and directors that will be included.
Here is our pitch for our film idea:

I think the pitch we created was pretty successful as the feedback we received from Sinead was good in that our film plot and genre went really well. She loved our film plot which made our group a bit confident with the romance genre idea. Creating this pitch will help us when creating our title sequence as it gives us a rough outline of what our film will be about and therefore what our title sequence will be about. There is also examples of other romantic films in which we could look at the title sequences to in the future to help give us an idea.

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