Saturday, 15 March 2014

Brief on Coursework

Leanne explained to us about our AS Media Studies coursework. She told us what it will be based on (creating an opening title sequence of a new fiction film), what we will be marked on and when the deadline will be for the coursework.
Deadline for our coursework is, Friday 21st March 2014 
Mark scheme is:
-Research and Planning = 20
-Title Sequence = 60
-Evaluation = 20
She then put us into our coursework groups. In my group there is Aaron, Hayley and myself. Our task was to brainstorm ideas on films that we wanted to create. We brainstormed a few genres that we wanted to cover and branched a few ideas out of each genre on what the plot for our film could be about. We was then given a homework to analyse an article on 'The Arts of Title Sequences' and to create a pitch for our final film idea and present it on 13th Monday in a media lesson with Sinead. As we were all busy during school time we made a group on Facebook in which we all worked together in creating our film pitch.

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